The Lion & The Ant — A Fable

The moral of this fable is that you should always work hard, do your best, and pause to wisely adapt to the situation if you are not treated fairly.

Kids, this is a famous fable written by Aesop.

You can use the Internet to search for the complete fable. There are versions available using the same theme, but placed in another context.

For example, some people have placed the theme and its characters in a business context in order to further understanding of a business situation that is being studied.

Please read it through, all the while thinking about what it meant in those other contexts, as well as, in other times.

Then, consider how you might apply the dialogue and conclusion to your own life.

If you like, try discussing this fable with your friends. It can be useful to you to learn how other kids interpret the wisdom of this fable.

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