Submit Your Fable

Please use the email address below to submit an original fable that you have written.

Please type your fable in an email. Please do not use attachments.

Please be sure to include:

—  Your first name and last initial;

—  Your age;

—  Your home state or province;

—   Your fable’s title;

—  The moral of your fable;

—  Your fable.


You may write your fable in an email & send it to Please be sure your email includes: 1.) Your first name and last initial, 2.) Your age, 3.) Your state or province, 4.) Your fable’s title; 5.) The moral of your fable, and 6.) Your fable.


Your fable will be reviewed and considered for publication on KidsFables.

Please use all the good grammar and writing rules that you know — and should be learning.

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