Fables — Page 178

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The Parakeet & The Rabbit

Sifa R., 9, Indiana, USA

The moral of my fable is: When you snoop, you may hear something you don’t want to hear.

Once upon a time on a farm there was a jolly, ambitious Rabbit and a talkative high spirited Parakeet who was not good at keeping secrets. They were very good friends. They were house pets, but with the help of the farm animals they were able to get out of the house but not on rainy days.

One beautiful summer day rabbit and horse were talking in whispers. Parakeet, who liked to snoop heard the words ‘chicken’, ‘roasted pie’ and ‘butcher’. Parakeet became scared because she jumped to the conclusion that they were talking about her. She flew away fast. She flew and flew until she came to a tree on a hill. She had nothing to do, so she sat idly and preened her feathers.

Parakeet stayed in that tree for a few days until the farm animals noticed that she was missing. Therefore Rabbit decided to go and find Parakeet. He finally found Parakeet, who then told Rabbit everything she had overheard. “Silly Parakeet,” said Rabbit, that was for Sheep’s surprise party. “Oh!” said Parakeet. So they went back to the farm and everyone celebrated Sheep’s party and Parakeet’s return.

The Giraffe & The Cheetah

Imani R, 8, Indiana, USA

The moral of my fable is: If you want to keep your friends, don’t be mean to them.

Once upon a time, there were two friends, Giraffe and Cheetah. Giraffe was six, liked to go swimming, and was very mischievous. Cheetah was seven, very fast, kind, pretty with glossy spotted fur. Additionally, she was helpful and kind.

One April morning, Giraffe woke up and realized it was April Fools Day. She dashed outside and raced to school. Giraffe met her friend Cheetah at the school gate. “It’s April Fools Day!” Giraffe said excitedly. “I know” said Cheetah. “Lets play pranks on our classmates,” said Giraffe. Cheetah tried to stop Giraffe, but before she could say anything, Giraffe had sped off into school.

In school, Giraffe was setting up one of her pranks: Her teacher would walk in and a bucket of gross bird poop would spill on the teacher’s head! Sure enough, her prank worked. The teacher felt very embarrassed. One of her classmates got punished instead of Giraffe. At the end of the school day, Giraffe and Cheetah had a big fight.

Giraffe didn’t know what to say. She had never had a fight with her best friend. She ran home, friendless and sad. That night, when Giraffe was eating dinner, her acacia leaves didn’t taste so good. Two big tears splashed on her plate. She was crushed.

Three months later, Giraffe and Cheetah found themselves staring face to face in the school hall. At first, they were shy, but then Giraffe found the courage to say sorry.

From that day on, Giraffe learned to not be mean, or else you could lose your friends.

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