Fables — Page 186

Once Upon a Fable – Monkey and Wolf

Gabe M., 9, Minnesota

The moral of my fable is: Helping others feels good.

There once was a smart red monkey who lived in a massive jungle and a grumpy white wolf who lived nearby.

One day Monkey was eating a sweet mango in a tree. Monkey saw Wolf chasing a rabbit. Wolf didn’t know there was an old trap hunters placed a long time ago.

Wolf ran into the trap and his foot got caught. “Owwww, help me!” said Wolf. Monkey climbed down the tree and used a sharp rock to cut the rope and set Wolf free.

Wolf was grateful for Monkey’s help, and they became friends.


Binny’s Lesson
Amanda P., Age 11, Minnesota

The moral of my fable: Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

As the icy wind whipped around Binny’s fur, he stared greedily at the scrumptious garden that lay before him. “Just think; its all mine,’’ whispered Binny the rabbit trying not to doze.

“What’s all yours, Binny?” said a sweet, kind voice. Binny looked up at a cute white bunny with a pink bow on her ear who was looking at him.

“Pixy, what are you doing here?”
“I was hoping that I could grab some carrots from your garden,” she said.

Binny looked at his garden. “Sorry, Pixy, but these carrots are for me when it is winter and summer. Maybe you can go to Farmer Digit.”
Pixy looked down sadly “Sure, goodbye, Binny.” Binny was so busy looking at his garden that he didn’t notice Pixy’s sad face as she walked away. Binny started to doze again when all of a sudden out jumped Bambi the deer.

“Hi, Binny,” Bambi said as he walked over. “Hi, Bambi.”“What are you up to?” asked Bambi.
“Watching my garden.”
“Sounds boring.” grunted Bambi.
Binny looked at him, “What are you up to?”
“I came over here to grab some of your carrots and some carrot seeds.”
“Why does everyone want my garden? First Pixy and now you! Go to Farmer Digit or that new bird that just moved in, Bambi,” said Binny.

“Oh, sure I just wanted to help my mom.” Binny was so focused on his garden that he didn’t even hear Bambi or see the sad look. Then Binny notice an awesome smell. What was it? The smell got closer and closer. There was Buck, a big black bunny carrying a carrot cake. “Hey, Buck, where are you going?”asked Binny.

“It’s Pixy’s twin brother’s birthday and everyone is invited. I’m bringing this carrot cake.”
“What should I bring?”
“You can bring your carrots; the party is tonight. Goodbye, Binny.”

Binny couldn’t miss the carrot cake, but he couldn’t lose his carrots. So Binny went to bed and did not go. The next morning Pixy came over and found Binny in his normal spot looking at his garden. “Binny, why didn’t I see you at my brother’s party?” “I was busy making sure no crook stole my carrots,” remarked Binny.
“Oh, I see. My birthday party is tonight but I’m sure you will be busy watching your carrots.” Binny looked at her with a sad face, but Pixy ignored him and hopped away. Then Bambi jumped out and walked over.

“Hi, Bambi” said Binny with a sad voice. “May I have some of your cabbage, Bambi.”

“Why don’t you go to Farmer Digit or the farmer who lives in the barn instead of me.” Binny looked up with an even sadder face, but just liked Pixy. Bambi ignored him and jumped away.

Flint the bird flew down, “What’s the matter?”
“Bambi and Pixy are being mean and won’t share.”
“Well, have you been nice and did you share? Think about that,” said Flint.
“What should I do?”
“You can start by going to Bambi and giving him these carrot seeds and some of your carrots. Then go to Pixy’s birthday party.”
“Wow, thanks, Flint. But how am I supposed to start?”
“Well, you can go and say sorry. And next time you want something, somewhere I heard, ‘Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you’.”
“Thanks, Flint, I’ll do that.”

That night Binny came home.
“How was it, Binny?” asked Flint. “Great!!! Thanks, Flint.”


Animal Friends
Abigail D., 12, Arizona, USA

The moral of my fable: It is easier to make friends without fighting.

Many years ago there lived a dog who was happy all the time, and a very selfish flamingo who hated everyone. Both of these animals were completely different, and didn’t become friends because they fought and didn’t see eye to eye.

They bumped into each other at the food court. They were both hungry. The food smelled and tasted so good. They fought and argued over the food.

In the end they become friends by sharing the food. While they ate they realized that you should always be kind to one another.


Getting Along Well With New Friends

Jedidiah D., 9, Arizona, USA

The moral of my fable is: It’s wise to give help & it’s wise to accept help.

Rocky Danger Buff the monkey was lonely as can be. Rocky found John the cat. But they didn’t get along too well.

One day, John got stuck up a tree and couldn’t get down. Rocky helped John.

After that help, Rocky and John became friends. Now Rocky teaches John how to climb up basketball poles.